Saturday, November 17, 2007

Zoo Atlanta

Peyton had this Thursday off, so he bundled up the girls and took them to the zoo. When I came home that afternoon, I couldn't figure out why the girls were trying to tell me about monkeys and elephants, until I Peyton showed me the pictures of how they spent their day. We bought memberships last spring. We should really try to get back up there a little more often to use them. Sabrina thought the baby bronze monkey was cold. She wanted a blanket to cover him up. She also told her daddy that she thought the brown goat was trying to talk to her. Samantha loved grooming the lambs. I still think Sammi will be a vet when she grows up, or a dog groomer. She loves all animals...except the snakes...she thought they were scary.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Is the Zoo open all winter? We should all try to go up there together. See you Thursday!