Saturday, July 17, 2010

Fourth of July

I remember one year ago on July 4th, I had just learned I was going to be a mom again.  Peyton and I snuggled up together the night of the 3rd and talked about how much the news was going to change our lives. We had been trying to conceive for about 18 months, so it was big, happy news. We were right about a lot of our predictions.  Though it took me a long time to really believe we were having another little girl.  I had been so sure she would be a boy.  I just felt so different during her pregnancy than I did with the girls.  Peyton ran the Peachtree Road Race again this year.  We can't quite remember if this is five or six years, but I know he ran the year I was pregnant with the girls and I am pretty sure he ran the year before that too.  If we had been keeping the blog from the beginning, I could look it up.  I am always so proud of Peyton for sticking to this tradition.  We are going to make sure that next year we take the kids out to the fireworks, but this year, they did fireworks in the yard with their dad.   The fourth was also the 35th anniversary of my dad's death. It's so hard to believe that my mom was a widow at such a young age. 

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