Tuesday, November 6, 2007

My Journal

I realize tonight that I don't really use this blog the way I thought I would. Originally it was just going to be my private thoughts about my life...a real online journal. Then I found myself worrying about what I post...what if I forget to mention somthing that is important to someone else? I'm usually too busy posting pictures to worry about the words that go with them. I am going to try to post more of my thoughts. When the kids look back at this, I want them to really "feel" what life was like during 2007. You can say a lot with pictures, but I've always preferred words.

We had a temper tantrum tonight at bedtime. The girls are just starting to really hit the "terrible twos." We are having to put our foots down and be very stern. I had to let them cry it out....and once they both calmed down, I went back into their room took turns snuggling with them for a minute until they each fell asleep. Peyton and I both stuck to our guns and stayed away until they were ready to cave and lay down for the night without all of the tears.
I can't get over how beautiful these little creatures are...they are so sweet and loving. I think....wow...they are really part of us. You can see the Tingle, Dennis, Campbell, McGarity and Bryson in them when you look into their little faces. Sometimes, in the quiet moments right before they doze off to sleep, I just want to freeze time. Just hit the "pause" button and hang on to the moment.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Bobbie I love this! I cannot wait to read all of your thoughts!